One rainy day on my way home from school,
I found a big worm and thought it was cool.
I picked up the worm with my bare hand,
held it up high thinking how grand!

The worm was so cute and wiggled a lot,
I put him in my pocket to show Mom what I'd caught.
What will she say when I show her my find?
Will she let me keep it? I hope she won't mind.
Mom was in the kitchen when I showed her what I'd found.
She screamed, "No, way! Put it back in the ground!"
Now I'm so angry, she always says "No", 
If she won't let me keep it, then I will just go!
So me and my worm packed a sandwich or two,
ran out the door and down the street we both flew.
We walked to the park and sat on a bench,
I pulled out my worm and noticed a stench.
He looked kind of floppy, but wiggled a bit,
I thought, "Oh my Gosh, my worm is not fit!"
I laid him in the dirt and let him go free.
I guess that my pocket was not the best place to be.

Buster, Sparkle, Newbie, Speedy
and then there’s Pixie our smallest kitty,
One, two, three and four and five,
they’re so frisky, so alive.

Sparkle is my number one,
14 years old and so much fun.
Purrs and snuggles on my shoulder,
she‘s getting slow and somewhat older.
She meows for water from the sink,
I turn it on, for her to drink.

Speedy is my number two,
proud and handsome, I tell you!
He prances like a little pony,
and you know what? That’s no baloney.
He guards the others from above,
and sometimes gives a little shove.

Newbie is my number three,
chubby, plump as one can be.
Always cleaning, always licking, 
he tries to run but his paws keep sticking.
He keeps on searching for a hand,
to scratch under his collar band.

Buster is my number four,
always eating, more and more.
Loves to snack on lots of munchies,
Tender Vittles and some crunchies.
Begging, pleading, day and nights.
"Give me crunchies, or I’ll bite!"

Pixie is my number five,
She jumps, rolls over, takes a dive.
Up my back, onto my shoulder,
hoping I would grab and hold her.
Then she jumps to catch a fly,
She’s four months old, my sweetie pie.

Buster, Sparkle, Newbie, Speedy,
and there’s Pixie our smallest kitty.
Five, four, three and two and one,
I love my kitty cats, they’re so much fun.

Beauty of the fish
Under the ocean, under the sky,
Lies an animal that doesn’t eat pie.
Im a fish, I make a very nice dish.
put me in your toast, put me in your roast.
Come to the sea and fish me,
Just don’t shoot me, because im such a beauty.

The Tree
When ever I look at the tree ,it blinks at me.
sometimes it even winks at me .
is it a magic tree or is it just cursed to look at me.
oh well,I wont guess unless I try my best.

Teacher says, 
teacher goes, 
teacher smiles, 
teacher knows, 

what you have done, 
was clearly a mistake, 
maybe it is, 
time for a break.

Teacher says, 
teacher goes, 
teacher smiles, 
teacher knows, 

that you have been naughty.
That you have been quite foughty.
That you are being rude, 
don't call teacher a dude.

Teacher says, 
teacher goes, 
teacher smilies, 
teacher know, 

that you were making faces, 
behind teachers back, 
that you were throwing spitballs, 
at the teacher's pet.

Teacher says, 
teacher goes, 
teacher smiles, 
teacher knows.

So enough is said, 
so now you know, 
that whatever you do.....

Teacher says, 
Teacher goes, 
Teacher smilies, 
Teacher knows 

In darkness of the night
I spied him in a tree
Sat I froze by the
He was looking at me
The summer's heat became a chill
The angel
of death at his kill
My heart skipped with the fright
Blinked my eyes
to bet'r see
Glanced back with all my might
Parted he my comp'ny
chest was quickly pounding still
The angel of death at his kill
I did
rise and take flight
The fear made me to flee
From darkness into
To free captivity
Unbinding my soul from his will
The angel of
death at his kill

Many years since that night
Gazed I on that braz'n
Mem'ries of still incite
Fears of my slavery
Existence of him makes
me ill
The angel of death at his kill


    Hi! Im Jose we post OUTSTANDING poems that you would love.. Peace Out :D


    March 2013

